Highbloodpressure411.com is a physician-authored health information resource supported by a team of healthcare professionals specializing in Cardiovascular Diseases, Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine and Cardiothoracic Surgery. We seek to provide the reader with relevant, evidence-based, up-to-date medical information.
Most people think that their blood pressure won’t affect their limited time of peace that we call a holiday. They plan their trips unaffected by the risks and think …
Increasing awareness has been spreading about the harmful effects of High Blood Pressure and its involvement as one of the major killers of the twenty-first century. Spotting High blood …
The onset of high blood pressure is usually without symptoms. On the contrary, many patients may argue that they feel fine and the diagnosis is made incidentally either during …
Record your blood pressure and heart rate with this printable blood pressure tracker. There are sections to document the date, the time, the blood pressure, the heart pulse, pills …
Nutritional genomics studies the relationship between diet, lifestyle and genes. Two children of the same age and height begin their meal together. One finishes their meal and needs no …
Have you been feeling lately like your head is about to explode regularly? Or maybe feeling severely tired after little to no effort given for any task? These are …
Myths about hypertension. Blood pressure is a popular health subject for discussion among young adults and elderly. Besides there are many resources where a lot of relevant information are …