You’ve just finished your workout and you think that you deserve some more happiness apart from that emanating from endogenous endorphins already released by the end of your strenuous …
Age and blood pressure are closely related. Young people are not supposed to have hypertension. At least not as a consequence of aging, which is the most common cause …
Beta blockers are commonly used medications for the treatment of high blood pressure. They are called so simply because they act on the beta receptors found on blood vessel …
Complementary and alternative medicines mostly natural remedies, are used in more than 80% of the world’s population and are becoming an increasing component of the US health care system, …
Diabetes and high blood pressure have been found to occur together in up to 75% of adults while patients with high blood pressure alone frequently show evidence of poor …
Allergic reactions occur when the defense system of the body, the so called immune system, mistakenly considers certain substances as harmful and fights against them. These substances are called …
Have you been feeling lately like your head is about to explode regularly? Or maybe feeling severely tired after little to no effort given for any task? These are …
Blood pressure control is a common issue among western population. Usually the story goes like this: Repeated spells of dizziness and headache which led you to your GP office from where …
Myths about hypertension. Blood pressure is a popular health subject for discussion among young adults and elderly. Besides there are many resources where a lot of relevant information are …
Alcohol Drinking too much could increase your blood pressure. The opposite is true, when you drink occasionally and small quantities of certain drinks. Research evidence supports that moderate wine consumption …
DASH acronym stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Dietary changes are always a hard decision, even if it’s just because you want to fit into your high school jeans …